Serato ITCH is an integrated software and hardware system, with support for Mac OSX and Windows 7 / Vista / XP, specifically designed to give music selectors and DJs new kinds of control.
Using the ITCH software you can DJ music on your computer with accurate control from a range of purpose built ITCH hardware. Simply connect your ITCH hardware to your computer, connect to your sound system and you’re in action.
ITCH 2.0, announced today, is the latest update for Serato ITCH. This version sees the debut of brand new features:
-SP-6 Sample Player
-Brand Spanking New Look and Feel
-Performance Modes (Library View, Vertical Waveforms and Stack Mode)
-Day & Night Mode
-Album Art Views
-Smart Crates
-File Migration
-Serato Playlists
-New & Improved Serato Smart Sync
-other changes and bug fixes
Read More on Serato Website
Download the free update for Win and Mac OS X
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